What Am I Thankful For

Major Canady


For as long as I can remember, my mother started a holiday tradition where every Thanksgiving, each family member would say something they are thankful for prior to eating. And for those that know me, I LOVE to eat and holding me back from food is the fastest way to my bad side! That being said, it wasn’t until I hosted a Friendsgiving at my parent’s house in 2019, a few months before COVID where this annual custom really hit home.

In November of 2019, I invited about 8-10 friends to my parent’s home in Pittsburgh PA. Friends came from all over, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, and Washington DC. After a fun Friday night and Saturday full of various activities, it was finally time to eat the massive spread my mom made. Can’t say she had much help from my dad haha. However, on brand, my parents said no one could eat until we all said something we were thankful for. Little did I know, the next half hour would be full of tears, prayers, hugs, and eventual laughter. After everyone had their turn, it made me realize something. I will get to the lesson learned in a bit.

A few months later COVID-19 happened. The world was shut down and people were dying left and right. People old, people young, black, white, Hispanic, etc., rich, middle class, poor, COVID-19 had no prejudice. The world was shook. This was taking place while my friend group was finishing master programs, residencies, internships and other higher education opportunities. For those who have lived long enough, you know once you start to hit those mid to late twenties, things around you start to change. Parents get older, childhood classmates pass away before they see thirty, inherited diseases and “family curses” start to rear their heads, financial responsibility becomes a reality and suddenly, we all realized we and the people around us are not as invincible as we thought. All the things you are shielded from as a child, is no longer hidden from you. You’re no longer hidden from the world. And ISH GETS REAL.

I say all of that to say this. What am I thankful for? I am thankful for my parents. I am thankful that my mother and my father are still here because there are so many people that wish they had one more phone call, one more movie night, one more home cooked meal. I am sorry for the times I take the two of them for granted because our parents are something that can never be replaced. Parents for everyone can be different, for some it’s our grandparents, other it’s our aunts, uncles, sports coach, cousin, teacher, etc. Enjoy every moment and show gratitude. I am thankful for my sister. She is the best friend I never knew growing up I would need. I am so proud of the strong beautiful woman she is becoming. I am thankful for my friend group, I love yal so much and I brag all the time that NO ONE has a better friend group than I do. I cannot go into names because unlike most (haha jk) I was blessed with a ton of friends and I do not want yal coming after me because I didn’t name everyone. But for my circle when you all read this, just know yal are thorough. MOST IMPORTANTLY, I am thankful that God has not treated me the way I have treated him at times. I am forever thankful for the grace and mercy that I have received over the years. And I am thankful because I know the best of my life is ahead of me, and I am thanking God in advance for that. All good things I have ever received and will receive is because of HIM. And I thank you Lord for trusting me with CSA and pray you continue to use me to give back to our youth.

Wrapping up now, I promise. For that lesson I learned at Friendsgiving, check on your friends, including the strong ones. I don’t care how good things seem on the outside, a simple “how are you?” can go a long way. As the young folks these days say, “life be lifing.” and it is our duty as brothers and sisters to each other to CHECK IN. And it is ok to not always be ok, and everyone is going to have their turn. Be there for those you love while you can.

In closing, I would be lying if I said the first three years of 2020 have been great. It has been scary. There has been permanent loss, lessons learned, friendships ended, relationships gone, social injustice, fractured families, diagnosis handed out amongst other things. However, God has made sure there has been life wins, new friendships, new relationships, social justices, change, healing, and if you are reading this, YOU ARE STILL HERE.  Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving!


First Generation College Students


Black Youth, College, and Mental Health